About the project Encounter
If the participant added in the domain's black list , it means that he can not authorize in the domain (and accordingly to participate in any games of the domain). If the participant is banished to Siberia it means that he cannot authorize in any of the domains except for siberia.en.cx . As a rule, In the black list, participants get on the certain time interval, and for life to Siberia.
The earned points are a parameter of your experience. While playing different games you earn points only in the event that by results of the last game you or your team gets in TOP-10.
Upcoming games are games which going to take place in the near future. Announcements of upcoming games shows on the main page of a site. Announcement has information such as: what game is planned, time of the beginning of game; time of the ending; price for the particular game; prize-winning fund which will be received by the winner, and also brief description of the game. At the appointed time you need to log in the web-site to receive tasks in order to take part in Upcoming game. The past games are games which have already been added to the archive.
The general page of the project in VK, where we publish photos, interesting messages. Subscribe! For communication at games and among themselves, the Telegram messenger is usually used. There are also official channels from the network Administration: EN Info: technical information about the project, updates and changes. EN Events: EN-news, international games and festivals. Encounter_Games: announcements of upcoming virtual games and intersegs of the international Encounter network.
There is a global (general) forum, it is located on the domain world.en.cx however, if its display is enabled in your domain settings, then you will be able to read it. Direct link to the global forum.Each domain has a local forum where you can create topics and chat. When creating each game, a topic on the forum (discussion) is created automatically. In order to write a message on the forum, it is enough to log in under your account.
Encounter Network - to the organizers
ENCOUNTER - tai žaidimų pasaulis, kuriame galite dalyvauti ir Jūs!
Tai žaidimai, leidžiantys Jums pasinerti į realų nuotykių ir paslapčių pasaulį Jūsų mieste ar regione, sužinoti apie dar nematytas paslaptingas vietas ir jas aplankyti. Užsiregistruokite mūsų svetainėje, išsirinkite žaidimą, suburkite bent vieno automobilio ekipažą, pasirūpinkite mobiliu internetu ir Jūs - jau žaidėjas. Tiesa, pasirūpinkite drąsa ir ryžtu - neretai gali tekti išsipurvinti, sušlapti, o taip pat ir gerokai išsigąsti >:)